Category Archives: Uncategorized

I’m Still Here!

Why does the temp drop and so does my will to work towards my goals? I’m back though. With vengeance. I am 179 days away from my wedding and I’m blogging the hell out of each and every day! Screw Christmas.. I will make you my bitch!

Today these are inspiring me:


amazing use of the word epic, right? this makes me want to leave my desk at work and just sprint. I need a good playlist though. Ah!

HOLY ABS. Be mine please. I’ll lay off the carbs. Just be mine.

Yea, I can dream, but some things you have to be born with. Maybe my dancer sister can put together a little routine for me to help me shape my trunks (legs) up a bit. Curvy girls, you know what I’m talking about. Isn’t this “skinny” jean tread a killer? Bitches. Anyone who can wear them. Sorry, tangent.

Anyways, heading to the gym now after work. I NEVER do this bc I HATE a post-work workout, but here we go. WISH ME LUCK!

Former Fat Kid


Food Journal

B. Piece of whole wheat toast w cinnamon; 1/2 c grapefruit; cup coffee w/ Truvia and skim milk

I’m noticing…

– There just never seems to be enough time to grocery shop or wash and prepare salad fixings, or marinate things so I WANT to grill them. I didn’t even do Monday’s dishes until yesterday. Le sigh.
– I need to establish a meal prep routine so I don’t make bad choices
– I need to keep HEALTHY alternatives for quick grab lunches and dinners in the apartment
– Have been going home for lunch instead of eating out, which has been healthier that last week’s pizza fest
– Need to practice mindful eating so I avoid Monday night’s “5 free Lara bars-eating-fest” (they weren’t even that good!)

Action Items:

Make meal prep a priority

Will brainstorm some healthy snack/lunch options later

Work on asking myself “Am I enjoying this?” + “Am I full?”

Session: On my own

I met with my trainer this AM and thought we were going to figure out a plan of attack for the next year, but instead, she talked me out of it and took me through a strength training plan I can do 3x a week. On my own. For the next FOUR WEEKS.

I’ve been seeing her for 6 months now (starting in February) and have gotten really used to the routine of meeting, so I felt like she was breaking up with me. But maybe this is for the best. I haven’t seen the results I’m looking for, and I know why. I haven’t been trying diet-wise and I haven’t been doing my “homework” – – aka, my daily 45 minutes of cardio. My pants are definitely looser and I’m a few pounds thinner, but I have a WAYS to go. I set out to lose 16 lbs. I am doing it.

Tomorrow begins day 1 of my self training and to really jump start this whole “fresh start,” I’ve also decided to follow Whole Living‘s “28-Day Challenge” which is a 4-week plan to jump start healthier habits. I’m getting up and going for a run, then heading into the gym to do my first round of weigh training. Wish me luck!

Unrelated, but exciting: Bought a new workout outfit last night that I’m so excited about! It’s organic cotton and super comfy and non-budge. Can’t wait to try it out at yoga tomorrow night!


Instead of going to the gym last night, I made a banana cream pie.
I SWEAR I will hit the gym today.