Monthly Archives: August 2011

Return to the yoga mat

I have a weird relationship with my yoga practice. I LOVE Inner Strength, the studio I belong to, and love doing heated yoga, (it’s not Bikram though) but I just can’t motivate to get there lately.

Sometimes it’s the heat, sometimes it’s that I haven’t had enough water, or I had a bad day at work… and a lot of the time, it’s because my favorite teachers aren’t scheduled. Still…I dragged myself there this past Wednesday for a 90 minute “Flow” class with Roman, the studio owner and it KICKED MY ASS. But I’m so glad I went.

Is downward dog not the most incredible-feeling yoga position?

I’m still sore 2 days later!

I’ve been doing heated yoga for a year and a half now but only JUST invested in a Gaiam towel/sticky mat ($29, Target!) and I love it! You really need to something to keep you from sliding all over the place as you get hot & sweaty. You just have to! I also bought a Yogitoes one off Amazon (on sale for $43; regularly $60!) I highly recommend either.

Yoga Class at a Gym

Image via Wikipedia


In the end, I’m glad I kicked myself back into action because yoga does so much for me mentally, in addition to physically. I get really anxious about my life and career, especially, so it’s a nice break to practice total mindfulness for 90 minutes  a week.


Hazards of Healthy Eating…fruit flies

Fruit bowl - containing pomegranate, pears, ap...
Image via Wikipedia

Anyone else out there finding that your stash of fruit is attracting unwelcome fruit flies? I am and it’s driving me mad so I did some fruit fly research.

A few seriously gross facts:

  • -Phew. No, the fruit flies don’t come FROM the fruit (not at first)
  •  They get in your home because they are so tiny; if there is even slightly rotting fruit, they smell it from miles away and beeline for your home
  • Fruit flies start to lay eggs on your fruit (gestation period is 5-7 days) or will colonize in any damp spot (a drain, a forgotten cup of water…)

So basically once you HAVE them, you need to stop them from breeding to get rid of them permanently. Thankfully, this is fairly easy to do with some simple household items:

What You Need:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • A jar or small bowl
  • A plastic baggie and a rubber band

What You Do:

1. Pour a cup of apple cider vinegar into a jar or small bowl.

2. Add a couple drops of dish soap to the jar.

3. Cover with the baggie, secure with elastic and poke a few small toothpick-sized holes near the center of the jar

3. Place in the area where you’ve seen the fruit flies, and wait for the trap to do its job.

Why It Works:

Fruit flies are attracted to the sweet smell of the vinegar, and will attempt to land on its surface. Dish soap breaks the surface tension of the vinegar, so when the fruit flies land, they will fall in.


Food Journal

Breakfast: Grapefruit; toast w. pnt butter and berry jam; 2x iced coffees w. mlk

Lunch: Salad w. tomatoes, peppers, and 2 eggs; 1/2 a chicken salad sandwich

Snack: hummus and celery

Dinner: meatball subs

I’m noticing…

– There just never seems to be enough time to grocery shop or wash and prepare salad fixings, or marinate things so I WANT to grill them. I didn’t even do Monday’s dishes until yesterday. Le sigh.
– I need to establish a meal prep routine so I don’t make bad choices
– I need to keep HEALTHY alternatives for quick grab lunches and dinners in the apartment
– Have been going home for lunch instead of eating out, which has been healthier that last week’s pizza fest
– Need to practice mindful eating so I avoid Monday night’s “5 free Lara bars-eating-fest” (they weren’t even that good!)

Action Items:

Make meal prep a priority

Will brainstorm some healthy snack/lunch options later

Work on asking myself “Am I enjoying this?” + “Am I full?”

Food Journal – 8/4/11

Breakfast: 1 piece of whole wheat toast w. peanut butter; 1 apple w. cinnamon; cup of coffee w. Truvia and skim milk

Lunch: salad of cucumbers, tomato, and tuna (made w. mayo); 3/4 cup grapes and strawberries

Snack: large handful of Cape Cod Potato Chips

Dinner: roast chicken, steamed garlic asparagus, bruchetta



– I’m not eating enough each day
– I need to shake-up my meals — what a snooze! Try two new recipes this weekend
– Am I eating all my colors? Find out what is in season and learn some fun ways to prepare it
– When I don’t plan for meals, I binge on bad-for-me carbs
– I need to do a weekly shopping trip so I can stock healthy “emergency” snacks and meal alternatives
– Hello: grilling??!! Will marinate some fun stuff for this weekend