Monthly Archives: April 2012

Workout – 4/14 & 4/15

Sometimes all I need for a GREAT gym workout is an inspirational picture!


…but I don’t think I could get through a workout without US Weekly and People! I should just get subscriptions already. These gym copies are so gross!!

Anyways, I’m so proud of myself for dragging myself out for a run yesterday. The sun was setting, it was gorgeous out and I found a pretty route– finally. I told myself: just run out for four songs and then head back for four songs and I did it and felt amazing.

I got a slower start than I wanted this AM but just had a great workout. My usual intervals for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical. Yes, I was reading magazines so it wasn’t as intense as it should be but… Baby steps!

Starving now so I’m going to find something to ravage.

Status update
Weight: is…up?!
Seriously? How is this possible. It has to be that I have gained muscle. Or i need to lay off the salt and vinegar chips. A bag a day after work might be a mistake (!!)