Session: On my own

I met with my trainer this AM and thought we were going to figure out a plan of attack for the next year, but instead, she talked me out of it and took me through a strength training plan I can do 3x a week. On my own. For the next FOUR WEEKS.

I’ve been seeing her for 6 months now (starting in February) and have gotten really used to the routine of meeting, so I felt like she was breaking up with me. But maybe this is for the best. I haven’t seen the results I’m looking for, and I know why. I haven’t been trying diet-wise and I haven’t been doing my “homework” – – aka, my daily 45 minutes of cardio. My pants are definitely looser and I’m a few pounds thinner, but I have a WAYS to go. I set out to lose 16 lbs. I am doing it.

Tomorrow begins day 1 of my self training and to really jump start this whole “fresh start,” I’ve also decided to follow Whole Living‘s “28-Day Challenge” which is a 4-week plan to jump start healthier habits. I’m getting up and going for a run, then heading into the gym to do my first round of weigh training. Wish me luck!

Unrelated, but exciting: Bought a new workout outfit last night that I’m so excited about! It’s organic cotton and super comfy and non-budge. Can’t wait to try it out at yoga tomorrow night!

Posted on July 20, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. strength training is the magic formula! good luck 🙂
    well.. part of it atleast! enjoy , amy

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