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Mid-March Status Update

UPDATE: It is 81 days until the wedding!

I have to make some changes ASAP. I’m not doing regular cardio, have totally stopped going to yoga, don’t regularly go to spinning and I haven’t followed my Scarsdale diet in ages without cheating and adding milk to my coffee, so I need to really commit. This is me committing.

It’s difficult to commit without support though.  My fiance is pretty dismissive of my desire to lose lbs for the wedding and eat healthier, which makes it difficult to stick to it. He constantly brings home “treats” (a GIANT bag of mini eggs, butter-covered, garlic bread) or, if he makes dinner, gives me “just  a little bit” of rice, even though he knows I don’t want to eat it.  What is he trying to do to me?! No matter how often I beg him  tell him NOT to bring these things home or put food I’m not supposed to eat on my plate, because I can’t control myself, he still does it. 

What do I do to get him to support me? Ideally, it would be nice if we were working towards our fitness goals together, cheering each other on and supporting one another when our will-power falters, like some friends’ of ours do, but I don’t know if he’s up for that. At the very least, I need him to stop undermining my efforts!!

Anyways, so that is where I am mentally. Here’s the update…

L Thigh:
R Thigh:

Goal: 120

Quick calorie/weight-loss math

A pound of body fat equates to approximately 3,500 calories. So if you have a calorie deficit of 500 calories (meaning that you burn 500 calories more than you eat each day) you would lose approximately one pound per week.

Formula:  # days  (lbs to lose   x   3,500)

81 days left to go  (22 lbs to lose   x   3,500 calories/lb) = 951 calories/day

Re-Focus On
: Diet + Exercise

Small changes, every day, will help me to slash about 500 calories, but I need to burn more calories when I work out, which means working out harder and maybe even longer. More cardio. Higher intensity cardio.

Things to
– Bi-weekly spinning classes will torch calories
– Running 2-3x weekly (two longer and one shorter)
– Aiming for 1 hour of cardio/daily 5-6 x week